Academic Affairs Fiscal Contacts Group
The purposes of the Academic Affairs Fiscal Contacts Group are:
- To provide a venue for information sharing and training for Academic Affairs fiscal staff
- To share best fiscal practices
- To provide opportunities to make the most of automated systems
- To create opportunities for networking among fiscal staff
Fiscal Contacts Group Meetings
Meetings are usually held the third Tuesday of each month, 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Meetings are held in the University Center 111A Conference Room in the Chancellor's Complex.
Upcoming Meetings:
- June 18, 2019
- July 16, 2019
- August 20, 2019
- September 17, 2019
- October 15, 2019
- November 19, 2019
- December 17, 2019
General Announcements:
Meeting Topics. Do you have ideas for topics or issues you'd like discussed at a future Fiscal Contacts Meetings? If so, contact Adam Diprofio (
Sponsored Projects Management. Some of the spreadsheets, checklists, and reports shown at previous Fiscal Contacts Meetings are available (link to useful tools)
Presentations from Past Meetings:
- May 21, 2019: Gift Fund Stewardship and Forms/FAQ’s/Additional Information related to PPM 410-5 (Kris Vasquez, Advancement Services)
- April 16, 2019: Fiscal Contact Meeting and OCGA Presentation (Marissa Prough, OPAFS & Jeff Warner, OCGA)
- February 19, 2019: About ESR Kuali Research and Communications Webpage (Nicole Joyce, ESR Kuali Research Change Lead & Change Practitioner)
- September 18, 2018: Fiscal Contact Meeting (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- September 18, 2018: Fiscal Contact Meeting (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- March 20, 2018: GCCP Fiscal Training (Mary Baran, Academic Affairs)
- December 12, 2017: Common Chart of Accounts (Bill McCarroll & Jamie Nickel, BFS-General) Accounting), Revised Overdraft Policy (Bill McCarroll & Jamie Nickel, BFS-General Accounting)
- October 17, 2017: ERAP Reporting & Research ESR (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- September 19, 2017: ESR Finance Overview for Fiscal Contacts (Kevin Chou, ITS & Arlynn Renslow, BFS)
- June 20, 2017: Staffing List and Allocations (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- May 16, 2017: Benefits Decentralization & Divisional Support Model (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- April 18, 2017: NSF Audit Results (David Meier & Greg Buchanan, Audit/Management Advisory Services)
- Mar 21, 2017: Benefits Decentralization (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- February 21, 2017: Instructional Allocation & SOFI (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- January 17, 2017: OCGA new team organization & OPAFS electronic FAR
- December 12, 2016: Campus Budget Office - Budget Process (Matt Xavier, Campus Budget Office)
- September 20, 2016: Budgets and Benefits (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- June 21, 2016: Year end wrap up (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- May 17, 2016: Research Administration Training (Nicole Joyce, Research Affairs), eRAP Reporting (Marisol Christinson, Linda Collins, & Jason DeFay, Research Affairs)
- April 19, 2016: SOFI Implementation & Google Apps for Education
- March 08, 2016: Simplified Operating Funds Initiative (SOFI) (Traci Carpenter, Operational Strategic Initiative)
- February 16, 2016: QueryLink (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- December 15, 2015: Divisional Support Model, GSGEI and Masters Growth Incentive (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- November 17, 2015: Connexxus Travel Program (Yasmin Sidi)
- October 20, 2015: Department Workload Model; Financial Reporting; Simplified Operating Fund Initiative (SOFI) (Adam DiProfio, Academic Affairs)
- May 19, 2015: Fiscal Closing and Budget Planning (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- March 17, 2015: Uniform Guidance Training (Adam DiProfio, JSOE)
- February 17, 2015: General Campus Compensation Plan (GCCP) Review & GCCP Salary Template (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- November 19, 2014: Budget and Financial Updates/GSGEI Update (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- October 21, 2014: Undergraduate Instructional Allocation; Template for Calculation of TA FTE; Template for Calculation of TA FTE - Summer ; Template for Calculating Unmet Course Need (Temp FTE) (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- September 16, 2014: Budget and Financial Updates (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- March 18, 2014: Budget and Financial Updates (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs); 2014/15 GCCP Request Form and Worksheet (Example)
- October 15, 2013: Overview of Instructional Allocations; Template for Calculating Unmet Course Need (Temp FTE); Template for Calculation of TA FTE (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- September 17, 2013: Budget and Financial Updates (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- June 18, 2013: Budget and Financial Updates (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- April 16, 2013: General Campus Compensation Plan (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- March 14, 2013: ePD - Electronic Proposal Development (ABA & ORUBA Meeting, extended to all financial managers and fund managers)
- February 19, 2013: Budget and Financial Updates (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- September 18, 2012: Funding Streams Updates and UC Path General Info (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- April 17, 2012: Funding Streams - Department Implementation 7/1/2012 (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- February 21, 2012: New OCGA Proposal Submission Process (Linda Collins, OCGA; Pamela Anderson, OCGA; Lynelle Gehrke, OCGA; Isabella Bryant-Parkinson, OPAFS)
- January 17, 2012: Announcements and Control Tracker (Debbie Rico, Business & Financial Services)
- October 18, 2011: Budget Overview (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- June 21, 2011: Financial Updates and Budget Perspective (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- April 19, 2011: Funding Streams (Kathy Farrelly, Academic Affairs)
- February 15, 2011: Intellectual Property (Bill Athing, Technology Transfer Office)
- January 18, 2011: Resume Workshop (Rosemarie Mirano-del Mar, Human Resources)
- November 16, 2010: Equipment Management (Jamie Wheat, General Accounting)
- October 19, 2010: Vacation Accounting (Tom Pirolli, Payroll)
- September 21, 2010: Permanent Staffing (Denise Christensen, Academic Affairs)
- July 20, 2010: Ledger Reconciliation Processes (Chris Coulibaly, Physics; Tanya Pohlson, Sociology; Shelly Stokes & Nancy Lee, Calit2) (Physics presentation; Calit2 presentation)
- June 15, 2010: Sponsored Project Management - Department Processes (Jennifer Louie, Biological Sciences; Shanley Miller, Chemistry & Biochemistry; Sonny Rivera, Bioengineering) (link to tools presented at the meeting)
- April 20, 2010: What's New in Cost Center Management and MyFunds (Adam DiProfio, JSOE)
- March 16, 2010: Querylink Tutorial (Kathy Farrelly, SVCAA) (demonstration, no slides)
- February 16, 2010: UCSD Funding Overview (Kathy Farrelly, SVCAA)
- November 17, 2009: Disbursements Q&A (Robin Posner) (no Powerpoint or handouts)
- October 20, 2009: Transitioning to Marketplace (Sue Watanabe, Procurement) (Blink pages)
- September 15, 2009: Reporting Requirements for ARRA Awards (Mark Cooper, OPAFS) (Blink page)
- July 16, 2009: Managing Your Permanent Budget (Mercedes Munoz)
- June 18, 2009: Fiscal Closing (Bill McCarroll, Bob Colio, Mercedes Munoz, Hugo Rios) - General Accounting's Presentation, Campus Budget Office's Presentation, Academic Affairs Information
- May 21, 2009: Travel and Entertainment Updates (Dawn McDevitt, Kelsey Moon)
- April 16, 2009: What's New in FinancialLink (Adam DiProfio, JSOE)
Please contact Adam Diprofio (x22565 or for more information.
Fiscal Contacts Membership
Because of the wide variety of tasks/functions that Academic Affairs fiscal staff provide, we've created three groups of fiscal contacts. Some staff may have responsibilities that overlap all three groups, however, we ask that people only register as a member in one group. What group is best for you? Choose the one that best describes the highest level of fiscal tasks/functions that you regularly perform.
The purpose in creating three groups is to target future presentations to those that would most benefit, but attendance in programs will not usually be restricted to one group.
Financial Assistants Group: Members of this group process the financial transactions for a unit, preparing purchase orders, check requests, travel reimbursements. Working with the day-to-day financial transactions is their primary job function. Staff in this group will typically have __ Asst II or __ Asst III titles. Membership List Subscribe to Email List
Fund Managers Group: Members of this group will typically be responsible for managing a subset of a department’s funds, often contracts and grants administration, state funds administration, gift funds administration, or a recharge operation. They may also prepare financial transactions. Staff in this group will typically have Ad Specialist or Ad Analyst titles. Membership List Subscribe to Email List
Financial Managers Group: Members of this group will typically be responsible for financial management all of a unit’s funds or a broad range of funds, including contracts, grants, gifts, state funds, and self-supporting activities. They may serve as work directors or supervisors of other fiscal staff. Staff in this group will typically have Ad Analyst or Sr. or Prin. Analyst titles. For some units, the business officer may serve as the financial manager. Membership List Subscribe to Email List
Please contact Adam Diprofio (x22565 or for more information.
Useful Financial Tools
Sponsored Projects Management
Listed below are some of the spreadsheets, checklists, and reports shown at the June 15, 2010 Fiscal Contacts Meeting. Check them out to see if they are something that would be useful in your department!
Award Summary Sheet, New Award Checklist, and Closeout Checklist provided by Shanley Miller, Chemistry & Biochemistry
Proposal Workbook and Pre-proposal Information Form provided by Sonny Rivera, Bioengineering
Budget Summary Report A report that summarizes all the award activity for a particular PI provided by Jennifer Louie, Biological Sciences
Meeting Topics. Do you have ideas for topics or issues you'd like discussed at a future Fiscal Contacts Meetings? If so, contact Adam Diprofio (